KENOSHA, WI (WLIP)–Kenosha County’s Community Vaccination clinics will now be able to administer the Pizer vaccine to those between the ages of 12-to-15. That comes after the F-D-A recommended the vaccine for that age group this week.

Kenosha County Health officer, Dr Jen Freiheit, says that the change only applies to the Pfizer vaccine, which was previously available to people age 16 and above.

County health officials said that the Johnson & Johnson and Moderna vaccines remain available to those 18 and older, and Kenosha County Public Health’s clinics now have ample supplies of all three of the vaccines, with those 18 or older able to choose which one they would like to receive.

In order to be vaccinated, clients younger than 18 must attend a clinic with a parent or guardian.

The next community clinic at the former Shopko building on 52nd Street in Kenosha today from nine a-m until noon. The full list of locations is at kenosha county dot org slash vaccine.