KENOSHA, WI—There were 23 opioid overdose calls in Kenosha in the three week period that ended May 9th.

The Kenosha County Opioid Task Force reports that one of these cases was fatal. As reported earlier on WLIP, 10 overdoses happened between April 25 through 28th and it’s thought that this trend is a continuation of that situation.

The youngest person affected is 21 years old, the oldest is 64 with an average age of 38. 22 of the overdose cases were brought back through Narcan.

So far, first responders have been called to 79 overdose cases, 40 of which involve opioids. Nine of that group had Narcan administered before emergency crews arrived.

The Kenosha Fire Department has administered 41 doses so far in 2019. Kenosha County offers Narcan and training for free, paid for by grant money.

You can learn more about that program here.