Committee Votes to Keep Kemper Center Utilities Funds

Kenosha, WI (WLIP)–A plan to defund Kenosha County money from the Kemper Center has been defeated.

The county annually pays 105-thousand dollars toward the historic complex’s utilities-a measure that has come under fire in recent years.

As the Kenosha County budget process moves forward this week a proposal to remove the funds was defeated on a 6-1 vote-with members from all sides of the aisle casting a vote to defeat the measure.

Kemper Center’s finance and business plans are under study and most county board supervisors await the results before making any further decisions.

Kenosha County owns the 17.5 acre park along 3rd Avenue and Lake Michigan.

The 162 year old facility was made a part of the National Register of Historic Places more than 40 years ago.