Pete Serzant, WLIP News

KENOSHA, WI—The defense for a former Bradford student accused of killing a Kenosha teen has filed for a change of venue.

Citing local media coverage-including a WLIP interview with the father of the victim, the lawyer for Martice Fuller filed the motion this week. Fuller allegedly shot and killed Kaylie Juga in her bedroom last year after breaking into her home. He’s also alleged to have shot and injured her mother who caught him in the act.

Specifically citing WLIP’s interview with Kaylie’s father Nick Juga, the brief says that publicity about the case has been inflammatory. It also cites the publicity around a tribute for Kaylie at a Bradford football game-the temporary cancellation of which led to the radio interview with the victim’s father.

While the defense states that the Juga family is worthy of community support, they do not believe Fuller can get a fair trial in Kenosha. The court will consider the motion on January 8th.