Kenosha Common Council Approves Police Cameras; Mask Mandate Goes to Committee

KENOSHA, WI (WLIP)–The Kenosha Common Council approved body cams for Kenosha Police officers. The move comes nearly a year after the police shooting of Jacob Blake and the ensuing riots. Putting the cameras on officers was one of the reforms instituted in the wake of last summer’s events. The approval Monday was unanimous. According to the city’s agreement with Motorola, officers will be equipped with a Wifi Bluetooth camera with a magnetic chest mount as the city also acquires the necessary equipment to store and review the videos as well as other associated items.

The Council also voted to move the mask mandate revival to the committee level. However the move was a formal one and something that would have occurred whether the council voted in the affirmative or not. The measure’s principal sponsor-and advocate-10th District Alderman Anthony Kennedy says that he’s trying to mitigate the virus’ effect as much as possible. The mandate now goes to the Public Safety and Welfare Committee which has 45 days to take action on it. The council will next have the measure on its agenda in September but won’t take action on it until the committee acts.