KENOSHA, WI (WLIP)—Kenosha Unified officials presented an update on their safety plans to reopen schools for the upcoming school year.

Currently KUSD plans to offer students an in-person or at home virtual learning option at all grade levels. However there will not be a combination option made available.

KUSD’s coordinator for elementary learning, Marty Pitts, told the school board that students and parents will have to commit to one option or another before the school year starts.



Pitts says that the district will plan to survey parents on any desired changes to their initial choice in the late fall. Once the initial choices are made, KUSD officials will plan staffing for each building in the district.

Facilities coordinator Pat Finnemore says that the district is recommending the requirement that students and staff wear masks on buses and in classrooms-with some exceptions.




Each student will be issued two masks while staff members will receive four masks and one clear plastic face shield.

The district could still pivot and start the school year with all at home learning if necessary.

You can view the entire meeting with more updates-including cleaning protocols and food service procedures-on-line.