KENOSHA, WI (WLIP)–The Kenosha Unified School Board has lowered the tax levy in the 2022 budget.

Despite not adapting the district’s electors recommendation to cut a further 2-point-9 million dollars out of the budget, the average homeowner in KUSD benefits from a 6-point-15 percent decrease in the levy from the previous year.

That means a home valued at 200-thousand dollars will pay about 2-hundred dollars less on their tax bill. Still, the levy is the maximum allowable under Wisconsin law.

The school board also rejected a recommendation from KUSD’s administration to move public comments during meetings to the end-after the night’s business is mostly concluded.

The suggestion comes as more people are signing up to speak, taking up a larger chunk of the board’s time. Board member Mary Braun-Modder proposed dropping the change so everyone has a chance to speak.

While that change was tabled the board did change other long standing agenda items such as regular review of the district’s goals and officially put the virtual meeting option into the district’s policies.