Michael Bell Makes New Plea For Release of the Bullet That Killed His Son

Kenosha, WI (WLIP)–The man whose son was killed in a police shooting nearly 19 years ago made another plea to the city of Kenosha to release the bullet that killed his son. Michael Bell Jr was shot and killed in a struggle with police in November 2004.

The city settled with the Bell family for 1.75 million dollars more than 10 years ago.

Now Michael Bell Sr is offering a 100-thousand dollar charitable donation if the city releases the bullet so a new investigation can be done.

The officer who shot the younger Michael Bell was not charged following an internal investigation.

The senior Bell has commissioned a reconstruction of the shooting that contradicts the city’s official narrative.

Access to the bullet has been repeatedly denied in the courts.

It’s not likely that this offer will work either.