By Peter Serzant, WLIP News

KENOSHA, WI (WLIP)–Kenosha Unified officials will be considering changes to its advertising and promotions policy (1510) at a special committee meeting next month.

That comes after the board concurred with an administration recommendation to review policy dealing with flags and other “political” displays in classrooms.

The administration recommendation comes after School Board Member Kristine Schmaling requested discussion to see if support for the change exists.

At Tuesday’s School Board meeting several people spoke out against the measure-which they see as targeted against the display of pride flags.

The board sent the request to its personnel committee which will take up the measure at a special meeting next month.

Kenosha Unified School District
Kenosha, Wisconsin
December 13, 2022
Board of Education Meeting
Board Member Ms. Schmaling requested Policy 1510 be brought forward for discussion purposes to determine
whether or not there is support for providing direction to administration regarding updates that would further
restrict classroom displays beyond advertisements to include items such as flags and other political items.
Administration will review and update the policy at the direction of and in alignment with the majority of the
Current policy states, “No advertising will be permitted on school buildings or any District owned property if it
advertises or promotes products or services or uses imagery, verbiage or other methods of communication (a)
that pertains to products or services that are unlawful or prohibited in school, such as alcoholic beverages,
tobacco or other harmful substances; (b) that are inappropriate for the intended age group, such as those related
to the promotion of sexual activity; (c) that is political in nature; (d) or that is inconsistent with the District
mission or educational objectives. No advertisement shall be construed as or constitute an endorsement by the
Board, the District or the school of any product, services or activity or program. All advertisements must be
approved by the Superintendent and/or their designee.”
Administration Recommendation:
It is recommended that School Board Policy 1510 – Advertising/Promotions be referred to the Personnel
Standing Committee for review as it relates to possible further restriction of classroom displays beyond
advertisements to include items such as flags and other political items.
Dr. Jeffrey Weiss
Superintendent of Schools