School Mask Mandate Confusion Continues in Lake County
February 14, 2022 11:00AM CST
(Mundelein, IL) A downstate Judge’s ruling on school mask mandates continues to cause problems. The Sangamon County Judge ruled that Governor JB Pritzker’s mandate that all students and staff wear face coverings in schools was an overreach, and issued a temporary restraining order. That has since led to several parent and student protests to end the mandate entirely. Some schools took at least one remote day last week, while schools like Freemont District 79 in Mundelein say they will go remote indefinitely. The Governor is expected to end the state’s indoor mask mandate at the end of the month, but said the school mandate would continue. His administration is appealing the temporary restraining order.
Tim Vander Tuuk, WLIP News (2-14-22)