Gov. Evers Visits Kenosha to Promote New Legislative Maps

Kenosha, WI (WLIP)–Governor Tony Evers visited Kenosha Wednesday touting the new redrawn State Assembly and State Senate maps.

During a planned trip to Union Park Tavern Evers said that he fulfilled his “longstanding promise to the people of Wisconsin to fight for and secure fair legislative maps for the state of Wisconsin, undoing more than a decade of Wisconsinites living under some of the most gerrymandered maps in the United States.”

Gov. Evers signed the maps he proposed into law after they were passed by the GOP-Controlled legislature.

While the Republican majorities are expected to contract under the new maps, those majorities could have evaporated completely if new maps had been decided by the liberal controlled Wisconsin Supreme Court.

The new boundaries will be in place for the General Election in November.