City of Kenosha Snow Emergency-Friday 1/12/2024 at 7 PM
KENOSHA – The City of Kenosha has issued a snow emergency beginning at 7 p.m. Friday, January 12, due to predicted heavy snow in weather forecasts for Friday and overnight into Saturday morning.
Parking is prohibited on all streets in the City of Kenosha during a snow emergency and parking is always prohibited on designated snow routes when snow or sleet accumulates to a depth of two inches in any 24 hour period.
Director of Public Works Brian Cater stated that a major issue will be fighting the plummeting temperatures and staying ahead of them, as temperatures are expected to be at 20 degrees by early Saturday evening and continuing to fall during the overnight hours.
“We will be putting great effort into getting our roads cleared to prevent material freezing before we cannot get it off the road,” Cater said.
He anticipates the snow emergency will end at 11 p.m. Saturday, but the City will cancel the snow emergency as soon as clean up is completed.
The City will allow overnight parking in designated downtown and uptown City parking lots to ease the burden of finding parking during the snow emergency.
The downtown parking lots are located on 54th Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues and the parking structure at 56th Street and Eighth Avenue.
Parking will not be allowed in reserved spaces without proper identification.
The uptown parking lots are located on 22nd Avenue between 56th and 57th Street and the lot north of 56th Street.
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