Kenosha’s Latest Effort to Tackle Absentee Landlord Problem Deferred to August Meeting
KENOSHA, WI (WLIP)–In the wake of the recent violence and other issues in neighborhoods largely filled with rental properties, Kenosha city government is again trying to get a handle on the problem of absentee landlords.
However the current effort may be dead before it ever sees the light of day.
The Kenosha Public Safety and Welfare Committee delayed a measure Monday that would require landlords in Kenosha to register each of their units with the city and provide the city with contact information.
Inspections would also be allowed without a formal complaint being filed.
Landlords would also be stopped from retaliatory eviction after a complaint is filed.
The committee deferred the measure after hearing from several local landlords during a public hearing.
The deferral came despite the only opposition from a committee member coming from 5th District Alderman Rocco Lamacchia who ended up supporting the deferral to the committee’s August meeting.