KUSD Special Meeting “Suspended” After Protests & Signs Hold Up Proceedings
By Pete Serzant, WLIP News
KENOSHA, WI (WLIP)–The special meeting of the Kenosha Unified School Board that was supposed to select a new member of the board never got underway Monday evening.
Board president Yolanda Santos-Adams refused to convene the meeting, citing members of the audience that had large signs.
Adams left the stage since the people holding the signs refused to put them away.
Adams returned an hour later to say the meeting was suspended.
In the meantime other board members stayed on the stage while some of the gathered public sang the national anthem and proceeded with public comments.
The meeting was to select a candidate for a seat that will be declared vacant in April.
Board member Eric Meadows protests his removal from the board.
It’s not clear when the meeting will be rescheduled.